Indigestion: Symptoms, Causes & How to Find Relief!


Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is a common problem that causes pain and discomfort in the stomach or upper abdomen. It is often described as a feeling of burning, fullness, bloating, or pain in the upper abdomen. Indigestion is usually related to eating and can occur after eating too quickly, eating too much food, or eating certain foods. It can also be caused by eating too much fat or having too much acid in the stomach. Other causes include stress, smoking, taking certain medications, drinking too much alcohol, or having a medical condition. Keep on reading till the last to know about indigestion in more detail!

Symptoms of Indigestion:

The common symptoms that a person experiences include:

1. Heartburn:

This is one of the most common symptoms of indigestion. It is characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, often extending to the neck, throat, and even the mouth.

2. Bloating:

Indigestion can cause a feeling of abdominal fullness, or bloating, and can be accompanied by abdominal pain.

3. Nausea:

Indigestion can cause nausea, or even vomiting, as a result of acid reflux.

4. Excessive Burping:

Indigestion can cause excessive burping, as a result of excess gas production in the stomach.

5. Abdominal Pain:

Abdominal pain is common with indigestion and can range from a dull ache to sharp pain.

6. Loss of Appetite:

Generally, people with indigestion experience a loss of appetite, due to feeling full and uncomfortable.

7. Acid Reflux:

Acid reflux, or regurgitation of acid, is common in people with indigestion.

8. Difficulty Swallowing:

Indigestion can cause a feeling of tightness in the throat, making it difficult to swallow, due to acid reflux.

9. Belching:

Belching is also common with indigestion and can be caused by regurgitation of abdominal gas.

Causes of indigestion:

The major causes of indigestion are as follows:

1. Overeating:

Eating too much or eating too fast can lead to bloating, belly pain, and indigestion.

2. Eating spicy, greasy, or fatty foods:

These types of food can irritate your digestive system and make it difficult to digest your food properly, which can lead to indigestion.

3. Eating acidic foods:

Oranges, lemons, and tomatoes can be very acidic and can trigger indigestion.

4. Drinking too much caffeine:

Too much caffeine can stimulate the release of stomach acids, which can irritate and inflame the stomach lining.

5. Stress and anxiety:

Negative emotions can manifest physically, and can interfere with the proper digestion of food.

6. Eating too quickly:

Taking time to chew your food thoroughly helps prepare it for digestion. Eating too quickly can tax your digestive system and lead to indigestion.

7. Eating too much sugar:

Sugar can cause your stomach to become over-taxed, leading to symptoms of indigestion.

8. Smoking:

Smoking can damage the cells that line your stomach and intestines, which can interfere with digestion.

9. Consuming alcoholic beverages:

Alcohol can irritate your stomach lining and trigger indigestion in some people.

How to Find Relief from indigestion?

The preventive tips one can adapt to relief indigestion are as follows:

1. Eat small meals:

Eating small meals throughout the day can help keep your digestion on track and reduce the risk of indigestion.

2. Avoid Trigger Foods:

Certain foods can trigger indigestion, such as fatty or fried foods, spicy foods, citrus fruits, coffee and alcohol. Avoiding these foods may reduce the chance of experiencing discomfort.

3. Eat Slowly:

Eating too quickly can lead to indigestion. Take your time with meals and chew your food thoroughly to help reduce the risk.

4. Avoid Large Meals:

Eating large meals can put pressure on your stomach and make it more difficult for your digestive system to cope.

5. Avoid Lying Down:

When lying down, your stomach is higher than your esophagus, allowing stomach acid to back up into your esophagus and cause heartburn.

6. Get Up After Eating:

After a meal, get up and move around or take a walk to get your digestion going.

7. Relax:

Stress can make your digestion more sluggish, so take time to relax and take deep breaths at meal times.

8. Try Over-the-Counter Medications:

OTC medications such as antacids can help relieve the pain of indigestion.

Reach Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain for Indigestion treatment in Jaipur!

If you are looking for indigestion treatment in jaipur, then you should visit Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain. Heis known to be an excellent diagnostician and a thorough clinician. He follows a holistic approach towards patient care and provides tailored treatment plans depending on the severity of the condition. He uses modern techniques to diagnose and treat various conditions, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, and diseases of the liver and pancreas.

Dr. Jain also specializes in performing laparoscopic procedures, which involve minimal invasive surgery in the abdomen. This significantly reduces the risks associated with traditional open surgery and ensures quick recovery. He provides his patients with personalized aftercare, nutrition counselling, and lifestyle advice.


What is indigestion?

Indigestion is a term used to describe abdominal discomfort, pain or burning sensation a person experiences after eating or drinking items that are difficult to digest.

What are the common symptoms of indigestion?

Symptoms of indigestion can include nausea, heartburn, fullness or discomfort in the upper abdomen, burping, a bloated feeling, and acidic taste.

What are the causes of indigestion?

Overindulging in fatty or greasy foods, eating too quickly, drinking too much alcohol, consuming too much caffeine, eating spicy foods, or smoking can lead to indigestion.

How can I prevent indigestion?

Eating smaller meals more frequently, avoiding certain foods like fatty and spicy foods, limiting alcohol and caffeine intake, chewing food thoroughly before swallowing and relaxing while eating can help prevent indigestion.

What are treatments for indigestion?

Over-the-counter antacids can help to neutralize stomach acid or reduce it's production, as well as reducing symptoms of indigestion. For more severe cases, prescription medications may also be prescribed.



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