How Constipation Happens – Understanding the Causes

Millions of individuals throughout the world experience constipation, which is a kind of common digestive disorder. Having trouble passing dry, tiny, firm stools is one symptom, as is having fewer than three bowel motions per week. But how does constipation happen? There are several possible causes of constipation, and it can be uncomfortable. In this article, we'll talk about some of the causes and symptoms of constipation. 

Why Do People Get Constipated?

Constipation is usually described as having less than three bowel movements each week. From person to person, “going” varies widely in frequency. While some individuals use the restroom frequently during the day, others only do it once or twice each week. Whatever your bowel movement pattern is, as long as you don’t stray too far from it, it’s unique to you and normal. Numerous factors can contribute to constipation. The most frequent causes of constipation include:

Diet: Constipation can result from eating a diet poor in fiber, such as processed foods, and from drinking insufficient amounts of water.

Medications: Constipation can be brought on by some drugs, including painkillers, antidepressants, and iron supplements.

Exercise Deficit: Constipation might result from a lack of exercise.

Stress and tension: Constipation can result from stress and worry interfering with the digestive system’s natural operation.

Medical Issues: Constipation can be a sign of a number of illnesses, including diabetes, hypothyroidism, and irritable bowel syndrome.

How Does Constipation Occur?

Constipation results from a slower-than-normal contraction of the large intestine’s muscles, which slows the movement of food and waste through the digestive system. As a result, the stools are hard, dry, and difficult to pass. Constipation can also be caused by dehydration, which can make it more difficult to pass waste. The buildup of waste in the large intestine can also cause constipation. The large intestine becomes dry and difficult to pass when it absorbs too much moisture from the feces.

Treatment of Constipation
The best way to control constipation is to make lifestyle changes to maintain a healthy digestive tract. By eating a diet high in fiber, drinking adequate fluids, and exercising frequently, constipation can be relieved. Additionally, taking over-the-counter laxatives or fiber supplements can help with constipation. If you are on any medications that might be causing your constipation, speak with your doctor about switching to a different medication. Finally, if the constipation persists or if you experience severe abdominal pain or bloody stools, you must see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Visit Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain for treatment!

Tretament is a must when you are having some symptoms. Well, reach Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain. As he is a well-known and best gastroenterologist in Jaipur who has been treating patients with gastroenteritis for many years. He has a lot of experience in treating this condition and has helped many patients recover from it. Also, he is very knowledgeable about the condition and can provide the best possible treatment for it. He will be able to help you recover from gastroenteritis and get back to your normal life.

To sum up how constipation happens, it occurs when bowel motions become less frequent and feces are difficult to expel. The most frequent causes are dietary or habit adjustments, an insufficient intake of the right kind of fiber, or both. You should see a doctor if you have severe pain, blood in your stools, or constipation that lasts longer than three weeks. Constipation can be exceedingly uncomfortable, but it is often treatable with dietary changes and over-the-counter medications. Being aware of the reasons and the progression of constipation will help you treat it more successfully.


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