Causes, Signs, Symptoms and How to Cure Hyperacidity!


Hyperacidity is an uncomfortable digestive condition that commonly occurs due to imbalances in the stomach acids. There are many potential causes for this condition, as well as signs and symptoms and ways to relieve the symptoms. Understanding what contributes to hyperacidity and how to prevent and treat it can help reduce flare-ups.

Causes of Hyperacidity:

The major causes of hyperacidity are as follows:

1. Diet:

One of the most common causes of hyperacidity is dietary choices. Eating certain foods can increase the production of stomach acids, leading to a buildup of acid in the stomach. Foods such as spicy, fried, or fatty foods can all trigger hyperacidity, as can processed foods and caffeine. Alcohol, citrus fruits and juices, and tomatoes can also contribute to acid production in the stomach.

2. Stress:

Studies have shown that psychological stress can be a contributing factor to hyperacidity. People who experience high levels of psychological stress tend to have higher levels of cortisol and other hormones, which can interfere with stomach acid production.

3. Medications:

Some medications, such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, can also trigger hyperacidity. Certain antidepressants and antibiotics can also cause an imbalance in the acid production in the stomach.

4. Smoking:

Smoking cigarettes can contribute to acid production in the stomach. This is due to the chemicals found in cigarette smoke, which can disrupt the balance of the digestive system.

5. H. Pylori Bacter:

This type of bacteria is commonly found in the stomach and can be a cause of hyperacidity. It is thought to play a role in the production of stomach acids, leading to an increased risk of developing hyperacidity.

6. Underlying conditions:

There are some underlying medical conditions that can cause hyperacidity, such as peptic ulcers, gastritis, and even Crohn’s disease. These underlying conditions can lead to a disruption in the balance of the digestive system, leading to an increase in stomach acid production.

7. Overuse of Antacids:

Overuse of antacids can cause hyperacidity, as they are designed to lower the levels of stomach acid. Taking antacids too often can actually lead to an overproduction of acid, which can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the stomach.

Signs and Symptoms of Hyperacidity:

1. Heartburn:

One of the most common signs and symptoms of hyperacidity is heartburn. This is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the chest or throat area, caused by stomach acid making its way up the esophagus.

2. Abdominal Pain:

Hyperacidity can also cause pain in the abdomen area. This is typically due to an increase in stomach acid production and can range from mild to severe.

3. Nausea and Vomiting:

The increase in stomach acid can also cause nausea and vomiting. This can be a common sign of hyperacidity and is often accompanied by abdominal pain.

4. Belching:

Excessive burping can be a sign of hyperacidity. This is due to a buildup of gas in the stomach, caused by an overproduction of stomach acid.

5. Bloating:

Hyperacidity can cause bloating due to gas buildup in the stomach. This can give the stomach a swollen and uncomfortable feeling.

6. Loss of Appetite:

A decrease in appetite can also be a symptom of hyperacidity. This is due to the discomfort caused by the stomach acid, which can make eating difficult.

7. Bad Breath:

Bad breath can also be a sign of hyperacidity. This is caused by the buildup of stomach acids in the digestive system, which can lead to a sour or unpleasant smell.

8. Throat Irritation:

Stomach acid can make its way up the esophagus and irritate the throat and vocal cords, leading to throat irritation and a hoarse or sore throat.

9. Chest Pain:

Chest pain can also be caused by an increase in stomach acid production. This can range from a mild discomfort to a sharp or stabbing pain, depending on the severity of the acid levels in the stomach.

10. Difficulty Swallowing:

The buildup of acid in the stomach can cause difficulty swallowing. This can make it difficult to eat and swallow food, which can be uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Tips for Treating Hyperacidity:

The tips that one can consider for treating hyperacidity are as follows:

1. Change Your Diet:

Making changes to your diet is one of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of hyperacidity. Avoiding spicy, fried, or fatty foods, as well as processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol can help reduce the production of stomach acid.

2. Reduce Stress:

Stress can be a contributing factor to hyperacidity, so reducing stress levels can be helpful in managing the condition. Doing regular exercises and meditation can help reduce stress levels and improve digestive health.

3. Avoid Medications:

Avoiding medications that are associated with hyperacidity can help reduce symptoms. This includes aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as certain antidepressants and antibiotics.

4. Quit Smoking:

Quitting smoking can have a positive effect on digestive health. Cigarette smoke can interfere with the body’s natural balance, which can lead to acid production in the stomach.

5. Get Tested for H. Pylori:

Getting tested for H. pylori bacteria is important, as this can be a cause of hyperacidity. If the test results are positive, then a doctor can provide treatments to help reduce the symptoms.

6. Take Natural Remedies:

There are many natural remedies that can help reduce the symptoms of hyperacidity. Some of these include eating yogurt, drinking ginger tea, and taking a probiotic supplement.

7. Seek Medical Treatment:

If the home remedies are not effective, then seeking medical treatment is recommended. A doctor can prescribe medications to help reduce the symptoms of hyperacidity and provide advice on dietary changes and stress management.

Reach Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain for Hyperacidity treatment in Jaipur!

Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain is one of the most renowned and best gastroenterologist in Jaipur. He is highly proficient in diagnosing and treating various disorders related to the gastrointestinal tract, such as hyperacidity.

At his clinic, he offers a range of treatment options for hyperacidity and other digestive problems. After carrying out a thorough diagnosis, he determines the underlying cause and recommends the best way to control and cure the condition. He is well-versed with the latest advances in his field and regularly updates his knowledge by attending medical conferences.


1. What are the main causes of hyperacidity?

The main causes of hyperacidity are eating spicy foods, drinking alcohol, eating fatty or fried foods, eating large meals, taking some medications, and smoking.

2. What are the symptoms of hyperacidity?

The symptoms of hyperacidity include heartburn, burning sensation in the chest area, sour or bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and belching.

3. How is hyperacidity diagnosed?

Hyperacidity is usually diagnosed by a physical examination, a medical history review, and by tests such as an endoscopy, X-ray, or blood tests.

4. What treatments are available for hyperacidity?

Treatments for hyperacidity include lifestyle changes such as diet modification, taking over-the-counter antacids and/or acid reducers, changing medications, or even surgery for severe cases.

5. How can I prevent hyperacidity?

Prevention of hyperacidity involves eating a healthy balanced diet, avoiding spicy and fatty foods, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding smoking and caffeinated beverages, and not overeating.

6. Are there any natural remedies for hyperacidity?

Yes, some natural remedies for hyperacidity include drinking ginger tea, eating antioxidants-rich foods, avoiding processed foods, and drinking water with lemon.


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