What are the main causes of constipation?


Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements become infrequent and difficult to pass. It’s a common problem that affects people of all ages. Symptoms of constipation include infrequent bowel movements, hard stools, bloating, and abdominal pain. Constipation most commonly occurs because of an imbalance in the diet, lack of physical activity, or changes in routine, but it can also be caused by certain medications, medical conditions and pregnancy.

When it comes to treating constipation, lifestyle changes are usually the first step. Eating a balanced diet that is high in fiber and drinking plenty of fluids can help reduce and prevent symptoms. Increasing your physical activity, setting a bathroom routine and using over-the-counter laxatives or stool softeners may also help. Severe cases may require a visit to your doctor who may recommend medications such as supplements, enemas, or, in some cases, surgery.

Well, to help you in knowing more about it, here we are discussing about the causes of constipation in detail. Keep on reading to know more about it!

Causes of constipation:

The causes of constipation are as follows:

Blockages in the colon or rectum:

Blockages in the colon or rectum can be a major cause of chronic constipation. These blockages can occur when hard stool builds up and clogs the colon or rectum, preventing new stool from passing through. These are believed to be one of the most common causes of chronic constipation and can be caused by many factors, such as inadequate dietary fiber intake, intestinal infections, or anatomic issues such as rectal prolapse, rectocele, and narrowing or strictures of the rectum or colon. Severe cases may require medical or surgical intervention.

Problems with the nerves around the colon and rectum:

While there are many potential causes of constipation, problems with the nerves around the colon and rectum are one of the most commonly-cited. Nerves in the colon help to signal the body when it’s time to move the waste out or when it’s time to slow down digestion so the body can absorb more of the nutrients. When these nerves are damaged – either from an injury or other underlying medical condition – the colon loses its ability to regulate digestions, leading to constipation.

Difficulty with the muscles involved in elimination:

Difficulty with the muscles involved in elimination, specifically those that are responsible for moving stool through the intestines, is a primary cause of constipation. An individual suffering from constipation often experiences difficulty passing stool due to weakened muscles, resulting in infrequent, lumpy, and hard defecation.

Conditions that affect hormones in the body:

Hormones also play a role in constipation. Hormones are chemicals that are produced by the body to regulate various bodily functions, including digestion. In the case of constipation, hormones can have an effect on the digestive process, as well as the stool that is being passed. The hormones that most commonly affect constipation include estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones.

Being dehydrated:

Being dehydrated is one of the primary causes of constipation. Constipation is a condition in which a person has difficulty passing solid or liquid waste from their body. When dehydration occurs, the body is deprived of adequate water to efficiently process and produce waste. Dehydration is caused by not drinking enough fluids, primarily water. It is important to drink 8–12 glasses of water a day to remain hydrated.

Eating a diet that's low in fiber:

Eating a diet that is low in fiber is a common cause of constipation. When we eat foods that are high in fiber, they help our digestive system do its job properly by moving food through our intestines. Not eating enough fiber can cause the food to move too slowly, which can lead to constipation. High-fiber foods can be found in many natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, so eating a variety of these types of foods can help keep your digestive system healthy. In addition to eating foods with fiber, drinking plenty of fluids and exercising regularly can help prevent constipation.

Getting little or no physical activity:

Getting little or no physical activity can be a major contributing factor to constipation. Physical activity helps to stimulate the digestive system, which can help to promote regular bowel movements. Being physically active also helps to keep waste moving through the intestines, so it is important to engage in physical activity if you are prone to constipation.

Visit Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain, the best gastroenterologist in Jaipur for treatment!

If you’re dealing with an uncomfortable gastrointestinal issue like constipation, it’s important to visit an experienced and trusted gastroenterologist—like Dr. Sushil Kumar Jain gastro in Jaipur, India. As the area’s most renowned gastroenterologist, he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of a broad range of gastroenterology related-issues, including abdominal pain, reflux, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and other irritable bowel conditions.

In his practice, Dr. Jain is well-equipped to provide a wide range of treatments. He performs endoscopies and colonoscopies to diagnose problems in the digestive tract, as well as procedures such as electrolytes, and tissue sampling and biopsies. Dr. Jain also offers pharmacological treatments, ranging from antibiotics and diet changes to the prescription of more specialized medications.


1. What are the common symptoms of constipation?

Common symptoms of constipation include abdominal pain, bloating, difficulty passing bowel movements, and infrequent stools.

2. What foods can help relieve constipation?

Foods that can help relieve constipation include high fiber foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, as well as water, prune juice, and herbal teas.

3. Are there natural remedies for constipation?

Yes, there are several natural remedies for constipation, such as exercising regularly, drinking adequate amounts of water, and incorporating natural laxatives into your diet, like prunes, dates, figs, and castor oil.

4. What medications can be in consideration for constipation?

Over-the-counter medications, such as fiber supplements, laxatives, and stool softeners, can be taken to help relieve constipation.

5. When should I see my doctor about constipation?

If home remedies and medications do not improve your symptoms. Also, if your condition becomes more severe or persists for longer than three weeks, or if your constipation is accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding or weight loss, it is recommended that you visit your doctor for further evaluation.



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