What are the 4 types of constipation?


Constipation is a common health issue that affects millions of people around the world. It is characterized by difficulty in passing stools, usually in the form of hard, dry stool or infrequent bowel movements. Constipation can range from mild to severe, and can be caused by a variety of medical conditions, medications, or lifestyle choices. There are four main types of constipation.

In this article we will help you to know about the types in detail so that you can understand about these in detail. Let’s have a look!

4 types of constipation:

The four types of constipation are as follows:

Normal transit:

Normal transit constipation is a type of constipation in which the stools pass through the gastrointestinal tract at a slower-than-normal rate. This constipation may be caused by a variety of things, such as a diet low in fiber and high in processed/ processed foods, lack of physical activity, decreased fluid intake, certain medications, and changes in the natural bacteria found in the gut, among others. Typical symptoms include hard, dry stools; abdominal pain; and sometimes, rectal bleeding.

Treatment for normal transit constipation may include lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity and dietary changes like increasing fiber intake, drinking more fluids, and avoiding processed/ processed foods. In addition, over-the-counter medications like stool softeners, stimulant laxatives, or fiber supplements may be recommended. In some cases, stronger laxatives may be prescribed if other treatments are not successful. If constipation persists, further examination may be necessary to confirm or rule out other causes.

Slow transit:

Slow transit constipation is a type of constipation in which food and stool move too slowly through the digestive system. This can lead to harder, more difficult to pass stools as well as an overall disruption of the natural digestive process. Symptoms of slow transit constipation can range from abdominal discomfort, bloating and a feeling of fullness or distention after eating, to severe discomfort and pain.

Treatments for slow transit constipation can include lifestyle changes such as exercising more, eating a diet rich in fiber and fluid, and increasing the intake of prunes, fruits and vegetables. Other treatments may include certain laxatives or medications, enemas, or even surgery in more severe cases.

Dyssynergic defecation (DD):

Dyssynergic defecation (DD) is a type of constipation that occurs when the normal defecation mechanism is disrupted. It is characterized by difficulty expelling stool, infrequent bowel movements, and abnormal functioning of the pelvic floor muscles. People with DD may also experience abdominal pain, bloating, and pressure within the rectum.

The causes of DD are not fully understood and can range from physical and neurological disorders to medications. Physical causes can be related to pelvic floor spasm or weakness, which can be caused by childbirth, surgery, or prolonged sitting. Neurological disorders include spinal cord injury, autonomic neuropathy, or nerve damage from previous surgeries. Certain medications can also contribute to DD such as antacids, painkillers, anticholinergics, and select antidepressants.

The treatment for DD depends on the individual cause, but often includes dietary and lifestyle modifications. Increasing fluid and fiber intake as well as regular exercise can improve symptoms, as can avoiding foods that irritate the intestines, such as caffeine and peppermint. Biofeedback and pelvic floor physical therapy can help strengthen weakened muscles. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to regulate to the muscles and help promote regular bowel movements.

If left untreated, DD can lead to more severe complications such as rectal prolapse, fecal impaction, and constipation.

Slow transit-dyssynergic combination:

Slow transit-dyssynergic constipation is a type of chronic constipation where the bowels move too slowly. It is caused by weak intestinal contractions and decreased sensation in the rectum, as well as a lack of bulk in the diet. Symptoms include hard stools, a sensation of incomplete evacuation and a frequent need to strain during elimination. Other symptoms may include abdominal pain, bloating and uncomfortable bowel movements.

The diagnosis of slow transit-dyssynergic constipation is typically made through a mix of clinical history and physical exam. To confirm the diagnosis, additional tests such as imaging tests or a biopsy may be needed. Treatment for this type of constipation involves lifestyle changes, such as increasing dietary fiber, exercise and ensuring adequate hydration. Medical treatments such as medications, or in some cases, surgery, may also be needed to treat this condition.

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He has a full range of services for diagnosis and treatment of different kinds of stomach and digestive problems. From diagnosing gastrointestinal diseases to performing endoscopies, he provides comprehensive care for all his patients.


How can I recognize the different types of constipation?

The different types of constipation can be recognized by the specific underlying causes. Usually these are caused by diet or lifestyle, neurological constipation is caused by nerve damage or other neurological issues, certain medications, and pathological constipation is usually caused by a medical condition or a blockage in the intestines.

What are the treatments for each type of constipation?

The treatments for each type of constipation vary depending on the underlying cause. For normal transit, dietary changes, lifestyle changes, and fiber supplements may help. For slow transit, medications and other therapies may be recommended. In the case of  Dyssynergic defecation (DD)  constipation, changing or discontinuing the medication causing the issue may help. For slow transit Dyssynergic defecation (DD) constipation, surgery or other treatments may be required.

Does constipation have any long-term effects?

Yes, constipation can lead to several long-term complications, such as fecal impaction and rectal prolapse. These complications may require surgery or other treatments.

Is there an overall preventive measure for constipation?

Yes, the best overall preventive measure for constipation is to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet with lots of fiber. Regular exercise and avoiding foods that can cause constipation can also be helpful.


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